When you add: import Danger
to the top of your Dangerfile it exposes a bunch of stuff. First up, there arre the messaging functions
- Hide GitHub DSL
- Hide BitBucket DSL
import DangerShellExecutor
import Darwin
import Darwin.C
import Foundation
import Logger
import OctoKit
import RequestKit
import SwiftOnoneSupport
struct BitBucketCloud: Decodable {
/// The activities such as OPENING, CLOSING, MERGING or UPDATING a pull request
let activities: [BitBucketCloud.Activity]
/// The comments on the pull request
let comments: [BitBucketCloud.Comment]
/// The commits associated with the pull request
let commits: [BitBucketCloud.Commit]
/// The pull request and repository metadata
let metadata: BitBucketMetadata
/// The PR metadata
let pr: BitBucketCloud.PullRequest
extension BitBucketCloud {
struct PullRequest: Decodable {
enum State: String, Decodable {
case declined
case merged
case open
case suspended
struct Participant {
enum Role: String, Decodable {
case reviewer
case participant
/// Did they approve of the PR?
let approved: Bool
/// How did they contribute
let role: BitBucketCloud.PullRequest.Participant.Role
/// The user who participated in this PR
let user: BitBucketCloud.User
/// The creator of the PR
let author: BitBucketCloud.User
/// Date when PR was created
let createdOn: Date
/// The text describing the PR
let description: String
/// The PR's destination
let destination: BitBucketCloud.MergeRef
/// PR's ID
let id: Int
/// People who have participated in the PR
let participants: [BitBucketCloud.PullRequest.Participant]
/// People requested as reviewers
let reviewers: [BitBucketCloud.User]
/// The PR's source, The repo Danger is running on
let source: BitBucketCloud.MergeRef
/// The pull request's current status.
let state: BitBucketCloud.PullRequest.State
/// Title of the pull request
let title: String
/// Date of last update
let updatedOn: Date
extension BitBucketCloud {
struct MergeRef: Decodable {
var branchName: String { get }
/// Hash of the last commit
var commitHash: String { get }
let repository: BitBucketCloud.Repo
extension BitBucketCloud {
struct Repo {
let fullName: String
let name: String
/// The uuid of the repository
let uuid: String
extension BitBucketCloud {
struct User {
/// The acount id of the user
let accountId: String?
/// The display name of user
let displayName: String
/// The nick name of the user
let nickname: String?
/// The uuid of the user
let uuid: String
extension BitBucketCloud {
struct Commit {
struct Author {}
struct Parent {}
/// The author of the commit, assumed to be the person who wrote the code.
let author: BitBucketCloud.Commit.Author
/// When the commit was commited to the project
let date: Date
/// The SHA for the commit
let hash: String
/// The commit's message
let message: String
extension BitBucketCloud {
struct Comment {
struct Inline {
let from: Int?
let to: Int?
let path: String?
/// Content of the comment
let content: BitBucketCloud.Content
/// When the comment was created
let createdOn: Date
/// Was the comment deleted?
let deleted: Bool
let id: Int
let inline: BitBucketCloud.Comment.Inline?
let type: String
/// When the comment was updated
let updatedOn: Date
/// The user that created the comment
let user: BitBucketCloud.User
extension BitBucketCloud {
struct Content {
let html: String
let markup: String
let raw: String
extension BitBucketCloud {
struct Activity {
let comment: BitBucketCloud.Comment?
struct BitBucketMetadata {
/// The PR's ID
var pullRequestID: String
/// The complete repo slug including project slug.
var repoSlug: String
struct BitBucketServer {
/// The pull request and repository metadata
let metadata: BitBucketMetadata
/// The pull request metadata
let pullRequest: BitBucketServer.PullRequest
/// The commits associated with the pull request
let commits: [BitBucketServer.Commit]
/// The comments on the pull request
let comments: [BitBucketServer.Comment]
/// The activities such as OPENING, CLOSING, MERGING or UPDATING a pull request
let activities: [BitBucketServer.Activity]
extension BitBucketServer {
struct Activity {
/// The activity's ID
let id: Int
/// Date activity created as number of mili seconds since the unix epoch
let createdAt: Int
/// The user that triggered the activity.
let user: BitBucketServer.User
/// The action the activity describes (e.g. "COMMENTED").
let action: String
/// In case the action was "COMMENTED" it will state the command specific action (e.g. "CREATED").
let commentAction: String?
extension BitBucketServer {
struct Comment {
/// The comment's id
let id: Int
/// Date comment created as number of mili seconds since the unix epoch
let createdAt: Int
/// The comment's author
let user: BitBucketServer.User
/// The action the user did (e.g. "COMMENTED")
let action: String
/// The SHA to which the comment was created
let fromHash: String?
/// The previous SHA to which the comment was created
let previousFromHash: String?
/// The next SHA after the comment was created
let toHash: String?
/// The SHA to which the comment was created
let previousToHash: String?
/// Action the user did (e.g. "ADDED") if it is a new task
let commentAction: String?
/// Detailed data of the comment
let comment: BitBucketServer.Comment.Detail?
struct Detail {
/// The comment's id
let id: Int
/// The comment's version
let version: Int
/// The comment content
let text: String
/// The author of the comment
let author: BitBucketServer.User
/// Date comment created as number of mili seconds since the unix epoch
let createdAt: Int
/// Date comment updated as number of mili seconds since the unix epoch
let updatedAt: Int
/// Replys to the comment
let comments: [BitBucketServer.Comment.Detail]
/// Properties associated with the comment
let properties: BitBucketServer.Comment.Detail.InnerProperties
/// Tasks associated with the comment
let tasks: [BitBucketServer.Comment.Detail.Task]
struct Task {
/// The tasks ID
let id: Int
/// Date activity created as number of mili seconds since the unix epoch
let createdAt: Int
/// The text of the task
let text: String
/// The state of the task (e.g. "OPEN")
let state: String
/// The author of the comment
let author: BitBucketServer.User
struct InnerProperties {
/// The ID of the repo
let repositoryId: Int
/// Slugs of linkd Jira issues
let issues: [String]?
extension BitBucketServer {
struct Commit {
/// The SHA for the commit
let id: String
/// The shortened SHA for the commit
let displayId: String
/// The author of the commit, assumed to be the person who wrote the code.
let author: BitBucketServer.User
/// The UNIX timestamp for when the commit was authored
let authorTimestamp: Int
/// The author of the commit, assumed to be the person who commited/merged the code into a project.
let committer: BitBucketServer.User?
/// When the commit was commited to the project
let committerTimestamp: Int?
/// The commit's message
let message: String
/// The commit's parents
let parents: [BitBucketServer.Commit.Parent]
struct Parent {
/// The SHA for the commit
let id: String
/// The shortened SHA for the commit
let displayId: String
extension BitBucketServer {
struct PullRequest {
/// The PR's ID
let id: Int
/// The API version
let version: Int
/// Title of the pull request.
let title: String
/// The description of the PR
let description: String?
/// The pull request's current status.
let state: String
/// Is PR open?
let open: Bool
/// Is PR closed?
let closed: Bool
/// Date PR created as number of mili seconds since the unix epoch
let createdAt: Int
/// Date PR updated as number of mili seconds since the unix epoch
let updatedAt: Int?
/// The PR submittor's reference
let fromRef: BitBucketServer.MergeRef
/// The repo Danger is running on
let toRef: BitBucketServer.MergeRef
/// Is the PR locked?
let isLocked: Bool
/// The creator of the PR
let author: BitBucketServer.PullRequest.Participant
/// People requested as reviewers
let reviewers: [BitBucketServer.PullRequest.Reviewer]
/// People who have participated in the PR
let participants: [BitBucketServer.PullRequest.Participant]
/// A user that is parecipating in the PR
struct Participant {
/// The BitBucket Server User
let user: BitBucketServer.User
/// A user that reviewed the PR
struct Reviewer {
/// The BitBucket Server User
let user: BitBucketServer.User
/// The approval status
let approved: Bool
/// The commit SHA for the latest commit that was reviewed
let lastReviewedCommit: String?
extension BitBucketServer {
struct MergeRef {
/// The branch name
let id: String
/// The human readable branch name
let displayId: String
/// The SHA for the latest commit
let latestCommit: String
/// Info of the associated repository
let repository: BitBucketServer.Repo
extension BitBucketServer {
struct Repo {
/// The repo name
let name: String?
/// The slug for the repo
let slug: String
/// The type of SCM tool, probably "git"
let scmId: String
/// Is the repo public?
let isPublic: Bool
/// Can someone fork thie repo?
let forkable: Bool
/// An abtraction for grouping repos
let project: BitBucketServer.Project
extension BitBucketServer {
struct Project {
/// The project unique id
let id: Int
/// The project's human readable project key
let key: String
/// The name of the project
let name: String
/// Is the project publicly available
let isPublic: Bool
let type: String
extension BitBucketServer {
struct User {
/// The unique user ID
let id: Int?
/// The name of the user
let name: String
/// The name to use when referencing the user
let displayName: String?
/// The email for the user
let emailAddress: String?
/// Is the account active
let active: Bool?
/// The user's slug for URLs
let slug: String?
/// The type of a user, "NORMAL" being a typical user3
let type: String?
struct DSL: Decodable {
/// The root danger import
let danger: DangerDSL
func Danger() -> DangerDSL
struct DangerDSL: Decodable {
let git: Git
private(set) var github: GitHub! { get }
let bitbucketCloud: BitBucketCloud!
let bitbucketServer: BitBucketServer!
let gitLab: GitLab!
let utils: DangerUtils
/// Creates a new instance by decoding from the given decoder.
/// This initializer throws an error if reading from the decoder fails, or
/// if the data read is corrupted or otherwise invalid.
/// - Parameter decoder: The decoder to read data from.
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws
extension DangerDSL {
/// Fails on the Danger report
var fails: [Violation] { get }
/// Warnings on the Danger report
var warnings: [Violation] { get }
/// Messages on the Danger report
var messages: [Violation] { get }
/// Markdowns on the Danger report
var markdowns: [Violation] { get }
/// Adds a warning message to the Danger report
/// - Parameter message: A markdown-ish
func warn(_ message: String)
/// Adds an inline warning message to the Danger report
func warn(message: String, file: String, line: Int)
/// Adds a warning message to the Danger report
/// - Parameter message: A markdown-ish
func fail(_ message: String)
/// Adds an inline fail message to the Danger report
func fail(message: String, file: String, line: Int)
/// Adds a warning message to the Danger report
/// - Parameter message: A markdown-ish
func message(_ message: String)
/// Adds an inline message to the Danger report
func message(message: String, file: String, line: Int)
/// Adds a warning message to the Danger report
/// - Parameter message: A markdown-ish
func markdown(_ message: String)
/// Adds an inline message to the Danger report
func markdown(message: String, file: String, line: Int)
/// Adds an inline suggestion to the Danger report (sends a normal message if suggestions are not supported)
func suggestion(code: String, file: String, line: Int)
/// Utility functions that make Dangerfiles easier to write
struct DangerUtils {
/// Let's you go from a file path to the contents of the file
/// with less hassle.
/// It specifically assumes golden path code so Dangerfiles
/// don't have to include error handlings - an error will
/// exit evaluation entirely as it should only happen at dev-time.
/// - Parameter file: the file reference from git.modified/creasted/deleted etc
/// - Returns: the file contents, or bails
func readFile(_ file: File) -> String
/// Returns the line number of the lines that contain a specific string in a file
/// - Parameter string: The string you want to search
/// - Parameter file: The file path of the file where you want to search the string
/// - Returns: the line number of the lines where the passed string is contained
func lines(for string: String, inFile file: File) -> [Int]
/// Gives you the ability to cheaply run a command and read the
/// output without having to mess around
/// It generally assumes that the command will pass, as you only get
/// a string of the STDOUT. If you think your command could/should fail
/// then you want to use `spawn` instead.
/// - Parameter command: The first part of the command
/// - Parameter arguments: An optional array of arguements to pass in extra
/// - Returns: the stdout from the command
func exec(_ command: String, arguments: [String] = []) -> String
/// Gives you the ability to cheaply run a command and read the
/// output without having to mess around too much, and exposes
/// command errors in a pretty elegant way.
/// - Parameter command: The first part of the command
/// - Parameter arguments: An optional array of arguements to pass in extra
/// - Returns: the stdout from the command
func spawn(_ command: String, arguments: [String] = []) throws -> String
/// Gives you the diff for a single file
/// - Parameter file: The file path
/// - Returns: File diff or error
func diff(forFile file: String, sourceBranch: String) -> Result<FileDiff, Error>
/// Converts an asynchronous function to synchronous.
/// - Parameter body: The async function must be called inside this body and closure provided as parameter must be executed on completion
/// - Returns: The value returned by the async function
func sync<T>(_ body: (@escaping (T) -> Void) -> Void) -> T
extension DangerUtils {
@dynamicMemberLookup struct Environment {
subscript(dynamicMember _: String) -> DangerUtils.Environment.Value? { get }
extension DangerUtils.Environment {
enum Value: CustomStringConvertible, Equatable {
case boolean(Bool)
case string(String)
/// A textual representation of this instance.
/// Calling this property directly is discouraged. Instead, convert an
/// instance of any type to a string by using the `String(describing:)`
/// initializer. This initializer works with any type, and uses the custom
/// `description` property for types that conform to
/// `CustomStringConvertible`:
/// struct Point: CustomStringConvertible {
/// let x: Int, y: Int
/// var description: String {
/// return "(\(x), \(y))"
/// }
/// }
/// let p = Point(x: 21, y: 30)
/// let s = String(describing: p)
/// print(s)
/// // Prints "(21, 30)"
/// The conversion of `p` to a string in the assignment to `s` uses the
/// `Point` type's `description` property.
var description: String { get }
/// A simple typealias for strings representing files
typealias File = String
struct FileDiff: Equatable, CustomStringConvertible {
var filePath: String { get }
var changes: FileDiff.Changes { get }
/// A textual representation of this instance.
/// Calling this property directly is discouraged. Instead, convert an
/// instance of any type to a string by using the `String(describing:)`
/// initializer. This initializer works with any type, and uses the custom
/// `description` property for types that conform to
/// `CustomStringConvertible`:
/// struct Point: CustomStringConvertible {
/// let x: Int, y: Int
/// var description: String {
/// return "(\(x), \(y))"
/// }
/// }
/// let p = Point(x: 21, y: 30)
/// let s = String(describing: p)
/// print(s)
/// // Prints "(21, 30)"
/// The conversion of `p` to a string in the assignment to `s` uses the
/// `Point` type's `description` property.
var description: String { get }
extension FileDiff {
enum Changes: Equatable {
case created(addedLines: [String])
case deleted(deletedLines: [String])
case modified(hunks: [FileDiff.Hunk])
case renamed(oldPath: String, hunks: [FileDiff.Hunk])
struct Hunk: Equatable, CustomStringConvertible {
let oldLineStart: Int
let oldLineSpan: Int
let newLineStart: Int
let newLineSpan: Int
let lines: [FileDiff.Line]
/// A textual representation of this instance.
/// Calling this property directly is discouraged. Instead, convert an
/// instance of any type to a string by using the `String(describing:)`
/// initializer. This initializer works with any type, and uses the custom
/// `description` property for types that conform to
/// `CustomStringConvertible`:
/// struct Point: CustomStringConvertible {
/// let x: Int, y: Int
/// var description: String {
/// return "(\(x), \(y))"
/// }
/// }
/// let p = Point(x: 21, y: 30)
/// let s = String(describing: p)
/// print(s)
/// // Prints "(21, 30)"
/// The conversion of `p` to a string in the assignment to `s` uses the
/// `Point` type's `description` property.
var description: String { get }
struct Line: Equatable, CustomStringConvertible {
/// A textual representation of this instance.
/// Calling this property directly is discouraged. Instead, convert an
/// instance of any type to a string by using the `String(describing:)`
/// initializer. This initializer works with any type, and uses the custom
/// `description` property for types that conform to
/// `CustomStringConvertible`:
/// struct Point: CustomStringConvertible {
/// let x: Int, y: Int
/// var description: String {
/// return "(\(x), \(y))"
/// }
/// }
/// let p = Point(x: 21, y: 30)
/// let s = String(describing: p)
/// print(s)
/// // Prints "(21, 30)"
/// The conversion of `p` to a string in the assignment to `s` uses the
/// `Point` type's `description` property.
var description: String { get }
enum FileType: String, Equatable, CaseIterable {
case h
case json
case m
case markdown
case mm
case pbxproj
case plist
case storyboard
case swift
case xcscheme
case yaml
case yml
extension FileType {
var `extension`: String { get }
/// The git specific metadata for a pull request.
struct Git {
/// Modified filepaths relative to the git root.
let modifiedFiles: [File]
/// Newly created filepaths relative to the git root.
let createdFiles: [File]
/// Removed filepaths relative to the git root.
let deletedFiles: [File]
let commits: [Git.Commit]
extension Git {
/// A platform agnostic reference to a git commit.
struct Commit: Equatable {
/// The author of a commit.
struct Author: Equatable {
/// The display name for the author.
let name: String
/// The email for the author.
let email: String
/// The ISO8601 date string for the commit.
let date: String
/// The SHA for the commit.
let sha: String?
/// Who wrote the commit.
let author: Git.Commit.Author
/// Who shipped the code.
let committer: Git.Commit.Author
/// The message for the commit.
let message: String
/// SHAs for the commit's parents.
let parents: [String]?
/// The URL for the commit.
let url: String?
extension Git.Commit: Decodable {}
extension Git.Commit.Author: Decodable {}
/// The GitHub metadata for your pull request.
struct GitHub: Decodable {
let issue: GitHub.Issue
let pullRequest: GitHub.PullRequest
let commits: [GitHub.Commit]
let reviews: [GitHub.Review]
let requestedReviewers: GitHub.RequestedReviewers
internal(set) var api: OctoKit.Octokit! { get }
extension GitHub {
struct PullRequest {
enum PullRequestState: String, Decodable {
case open
case closed
case merged
case locked
/// The number of the pull request.
let number: Int
/// The title of the pull request.
let title: String
/// The markdown body message of the pull request.
let body: String?
/// The user who submitted the pull request.
let user: GitHub.User
/// The user who is assigned to the pull request.
let assignee: GitHub.User?
/// The users who are assigned to the pull request.
let assignees: [GitHub.User]?
/// The ISO8601 date string for when the pull request was created.
let createdAt: Date
/// The ISO8601 date string for when the pull request was updated.
let updatedAt: Date
/// The ISO8601 date string for when the pull request was closed.
let closedAt: Date?
/// The ISO8601 date string for when the pull request was merged.
let mergedAt: Date?
/// The merge reference for the _other_ repo.
let head: GitHub.MergeRef
/// The merge reference for _this_ repo.
let base: GitHub.MergeRef
/// The state for the pull request: open, closed, locked, merged.
let state: GitHub.PullRequest.PullRequestState
/// A boolean indicating if the pull request has been locked to contributors only.
let isLocked: Bool
/// A boolean indicating if the pull request has been merged.
let isMerged: Bool?
/// The number of commits in the pull request.
let commitCount: Int?
/// The number of comments in the pull request.
let commentCount: Int?
/// The number of review-specific comments in the pull request.
let reviewCommentCount: Int?
/// The number of added lines in the pull request.
let additions: Int?
/// The number of deleted lines in the pull request.
let deletions: Int?
/// The number of files changed in the pull request.
let changedFiles: Int?
/// The milestone of the pull request
let milestone: GitHub.Milestone?
/// The link back to this PR as user-facing
let htmlUrl: String
/// The draft state of the pull request
let draft: Bool?
/// Possible link relations
let links: GitHub.PullRequest.Link
extension GitHub {
/// A GitHub user account.
struct User {
enum UserType: String, Decodable {
case user
case organization
case bot
/// The UUID for the user organization.
let id: Int
/// The handle for the user or organization.
let login: String
/// The type of user: user, organization, or bot.
let userType: GitHub.User.UserType
extension GitHub {
/// A GitHub team.
struct Team {
/// The UUID for the team.
let id: Int
/// The team name
let name: String
extension GitHub {
/// Represents the payload for a PR's requested reviewers value.
struct RequestedReviewers {
/// The list of users of whom a review has been requested.
let users: [GitHub.User]
/// The list of teams of whom a review has been requested.
let teams: [GitHub.Team]
extension GitHub {
/// Represents 'head' in PR
struct MergeRef {
/// The human display name for the merge reference, e.g. "artsy:master".
let label: String
/// The reference point for the merge, e.g. "master"
let ref: String
/// The reference point for the merge, e.g. "704dc55988c6996f69b6873c2424be7d1de67bbe"
let sha: String
/// The user that owns the merge reference e.g. "artsy"
let user: GitHub.User
/// The repo from which the reference comes from
let repo: GitHub.Repo
extension GitHub {
struct Repo {
/// Generic UUID.
let id: Int
/// The name of the repo, e.g. "danger-swift".
let name: String
/// The full name of the owner + repo, e.g. "Danger/danger-swift"
let fullName: String
/// The owner of the repo.
let owner: GitHub.User
/// A boolean stating whether the repo is publicly accessible.
let isPrivate: Bool
/// A textual description of the repo.
let description: String?
/// A boolean stating whether the repo is a fork.
let isFork: Bool
/// The root web URL for the repo, e.g. https://github.com/artsy/emission
let htmlURL: String
extension GitHub {
struct Review {
enum State: String, Decodable {
case approved
case requestedChanges
case comment
case pending
case dismissed
/// The body of the review (if a review was made).
let body: String?
/// The commit ID the review was made on (if a review was made).
let commitId: String?
/// The id for the review (if a review was made).
let id: Int?
/// The state of the review (if a review was made).
let state: GitHub.Review.State?
/// The date when the review was submitted
let submittedAt: Date
/// The user who has completed the review or has been requested to review.
let user: GitHub.User
extension GitHub {
/// A GitHub specific implementation of a git commit.
struct Commit {
/// The SHA for the commit.
let sha: String
/// The raw commit metadata.
let commit: GitHub.Commit.CommitData
/// The URL for the commit on GitHub.
let url: String
/// The GitHub user who wrote the code.
let author: GitHub.User?
/// The GitHub user who shipped the code.
let committer: GitHub.User?
/// Creates a new instance by decoding from the given decoder.
/// This initializer throws an error if reading from the decoder fails, or
/// if the data read is corrupted or otherwise invalid.
/// - Parameter decoder: The decoder to read data from.
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws
extension GitHub {
struct Issue {
enum State: String, Decodable {
case open
case closed
case locked
struct Label {
/// The id number of this label.
let id: Int
/// The URL that links to this label.
let url: String
/// The name of the label.
let name: String
/// The color associated with this label.
let color: String
/// The id number of the issue
let id: Int
/// The number of the issue.
let number: Int
/// The title of the issue.
let title: String
/// The user who created the issue.
let user: GitHub.User
/// The state for the issue: open, closed, locked.
let state: GitHub.Issue.State
/// A boolean indicating if the issue has been locked to contributors only.
let isLocked: Bool
/// The markdown body message of the issue.
let body: String?
/// The comment number of comments for the issue.
let commentCount: Int
/// The user who is assigned to the issue.
let assignee: GitHub.User?
/// The users who are assigned to the issue.
let assignees: [GitHub.User]
/// The milestone of this issue
let milestone: GitHub.Milestone?
/// The ISO8601 date string for when the issue was created.
let createdAt: Date
/// The ISO8601 date string for when the issue was updated.
let updatedAt: Date
/// The ISO8601 date string for when the issue was closed.
let closedAt: Date?
/// The labels associated with this issue.
let labels: [GitHub.Issue.Label]
extension GitHub {
struct Milestone {
enum State: String, Decodable {
case open
case closed
case all
/// The id number of this milestone
let id: Int
/// The number of this milestone
let number: Int
/// The state of this milestone: open, closed, all
let state: GitHub.Milestone.State
/// The title of this milestone
let title: String
/// The description of this milestone.
let description: String?
/// The user who created this milestone.
let creator: GitHub.User
/// The number of open issues in this milestone
let openIssues: Int
/// The number of closed issues in this milestone
let closedIssues: Int
/// The ISO8601 date string for when this milestone was created.
let createdAt: Date
/// The ISO8601 date string for when this milestone was updated.
let updatedAt: Date
/// The ISO8601 date string for when this milestone was closed.
let closedAt: Date?
/// The ISO8601 date string for the due of this milestone.
let dueOn: Date?
extension GitHub.PullRequest {
/// Pull Requests have possible link relations
/// - See:
/// [Reference](https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/pulls#link-relations)
struct Link {
struct Relation, ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
let href: String
/// Creates an instance initialized to the given string value.
/// - Parameter value: The value of the new instance.
init(stringLiteral value: String)
/// The API location of the Pull Request.
let `self`: GitHub.PullRequest.Link.Relation
/// The HTML location of the Pull Request.
let html: GitHub.PullRequest.Link.Relation
/// The API location of the Pull Request's Issue.
let issue: GitHub.PullRequest.Link.Relation
/// The API location of the Pull Request's Issue comments.
let comments: GitHub.PullRequest.Link.Relation
/// The API location of the Pull Request's Review comments.
let reviewComments: GitHub.PullRequest.Link.Relation
/// The URL template to construct the API location for a Review comment in the Pull Request's repository.
let reviewComment: GitHub.PullRequest.Link.Relation
/// The API location of the Pull Request's commits.
let commits: GitHub.PullRequest.Link.Relation
/// The API location of the Pull Request's commit statuses, which are the statuses of its head branch.
let statuses: GitHub.PullRequest.Link.Relation
extension GitHub.Commit {
/// A GitHub specific implementation of a github commit.
struct CommitData: Equatable, Decodable {
/// The SHA for the commit.
let sha: String?
/// Who wrote the commit.
let author: Git.Commit.Author
/// Who shipped the code.
let committer: Git.Commit.Author
/// The message for the commit.
let message: String
/// SHAs for the commit's parents.
let parents: [String]?
/// The URL for the commit.
let url: String
struct GitLab: Decodable {
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case mergeRequest
case metadata
let mergeRequest: GitLab.MergeRequest
let metadata: GitLab.Metadata
extension GitLab {
struct Metadata {
let pullRequestID: String
let repoSlug: String
extension GitLab {
struct MergeRequest {
enum State: String, Decodable {
case closed
case locked
case merged
case opened
struct Milestone {
enum ParentIdentifier: Equatable {
case group(Int)
case project(Int)
var id: Int { get }
var isGroup: Bool { get }
var isProject: Bool { get }
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case createdAt
case description
case dueDate
case id
case iid
case projectId
case groupId
case startDate
case state
case title
case updatedAt
case webUrl
enum State: String, Decodable {
case active
case closed
let createdAt: Date
let description: String
let dueDate: Date?
let id: Int
let iid: Int
/// An unified identifier for [project milestone](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/milestones.html)'s `project_id` \
/// and [group milestone](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/group_milestones.html)'s `group_id`.
let parent: GitLab.MergeRequest.Milestone.ParentIdentifier
let startDate: Date?
let state: GitLab.MergeRequest.Milestone.State
let title: String
let updatedAt: Date
let webUrl: String
struct TimeStats {
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case humanTimeEstimate
case humanTimeSpent
case timeEstimate
case totalTimeSpent
let humanTimeEstimate: Int?
let humanTimeSpent: Int?
let timeEstimate: Int
let totalTimeSpent: Int
struct DiffRefs {}
struct Pipeline {
enum Status: String, Decodable {
case canceled
case failed
case pending
case running
case skipped
case success
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case id
case ref
case sha
case status
case webUrl
let id: Int
let ref: String
let sha: String
let status: GitLab.MergeRequest.Pipeline.Status
let webUrl: String
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case allowCollaboration
case allowMaintainerToPush
case approvalsBeforeMerge
case assignee
case assignees
case author
case changesCount
case closedAt
case closedBy
case description
case diffRefs
case downvotes
case firstDeployedToProductionAt
case forceRemoveSourceBranch
case id
case iid
case latestBuildStartedAt
case latestBuildFinishedAt
case labels
case mergeCommitSha
case mergedAt
case mergedBy
case mergeOnPipelineSuccess
case milestone
case pipeline
case projectId
case sha
case shouldRemoveSourceBranch
case sourceBranch
case sourceProjectId
case state
case subscribed
case targetBranch
case targetProjectId
case timeStats
case title
case upvotes
case userMergeData
case userNotesCount
case webUrl
case workInProgress
let allowCollaboration: Bool?
let allowMaintainerToPush: Bool?
let approvalsBeforeMerge: Int?
let assignee: GitLab.User?
let assignees: [GitLab.User]?
let author: GitLab.User
let changesCount: String
let closedAt: Date?
let closedBy: GitLab.User?
let description: String
let diffRefs: GitLab.MergeRequest.DiffRefs
let downvotes: Int
let firstDeployedToProductionAt: Date?
let forceRemoveSourceBranch: Bool?
let id: Int
let iid: Int
let latestBuildFinishedAt: Date?
let latestBuildStartedAt: Date?
let labels: [String]
let mergeCommitSha: String?
let mergedAt: Date?
let mergedBy: GitLab.User?
let mergeOnPipelineSuccess: Bool
let milestone: GitLab.MergeRequest.Milestone?
let pipeline: GitLab.MergeRequest.Pipeline?
let projectId: Int
let sha: String
let shouldRemoveSourceBranch: Bool?
let sourceBranch: String
let sourceProjectId: Int
let state: GitLab.MergeRequest.State
let subscribed: Bool
let targetBranch: String
let targetProjectId: Int
let timeStats: GitLab.MergeRequest.TimeStats
let title: String
let upvotes: Int
let userNotesCount: Int
let webUrl: String
let workInProgress: Bool
var userCanMerge: Bool { get }
extension GitLab {
struct User {
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case avatarUrl
case id
case name
case state
case username
case webUrl
enum State: String, Decodable {
case active
case blocked
let avatarUrl: String?
let id: Int
let name: String
let state: GitLab.User.State
let username: String
let webUrl: String
extension GitLab.MergeRequest.Milestone {
/// Creates a new instance by decoding from the given decoder.
/// This initializer throws an error if reading from the decoder fails, or
/// if the data read is corrupted or otherwise invalid.
/// - Parameter decoder: The decoder to read data from.
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws
/// Meta information for showing in the text info
struct Meta: Encodable {}
/// The SwiftLint plugin has been embedded inside Danger, making
/// it usable out of the box.
enum SwiftLint {
enum LintStyle {
/// Lints all the files instead of only the modified and created files.
/// - Parameters:
/// - directory: Optional property to set the --path to execute at.
case all(directory: String?)
/// Only lints the modified and created files with `.swift` extension.
/// - Parameters:
/// - directory: Optional property to set the --path to execute at.
case modifiedAndCreatedFiles(directory: String?)
/// Lints only the given files. This can be useful to do some manual filtering.
/// The files will be filtered on `.swift` only.
case files([File])
enum SwiftlintPath {
case swiftPackage(String)
case bin(String)
/// This method is deprecated in favor of
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Use the lint(_ lintStyle ..) method instead.")
static func lint(inline: Bool = false, directory: String? = nil, configFile: String? = nil, strict: Bool = false, quiet: Bool = true, lintAllFiles: Bool = false, swiftlintPath: String? = nil) -> [SwiftLintViolation]
/// When the swiftlintPath is not specified,
/// it uses by default swift run swiftlint if the Package.swift in your root folder contains swiftlint as dependency,
/// otherwise calls directly the swiftlint command
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Use the lint(_ lintStyle ..) method instead.")
static func lint(_ lintStyle: SwiftLint.LintStyle = .modifiedAndCreatedFiles(directory: nil), inline: Bool = false, configFile: String? = nil, strict: Bool = false, quiet: Bool = true, swiftlintPath: String?) -> [SwiftLintViolation]
/// This is the main entry point for linting Swift in PRs.
/// When the swiftlintPath is not specified,
/// it uses by default swift run swiftlint if the Package.swift in your root folder contains swiftlint as dependency,
/// otherwise calls directly the swiftlint command
static func lint(_ lintStyle: SwiftLint.LintStyle = .modifiedAndCreatedFiles(directory: nil), inline: Bool = false, configFile: String? = nil, strict: Bool = false, quiet: Bool = true, swiftlintPath: SwiftLint.SwiftlintPath? = nil) -> [SwiftLintViolation]
struct SwiftLintViolation: Decodable {
enum Severity: String, Decodable {
case warning
case error
internal(set) var ruleID: String { get }
internal(set) var reason: String { get }
internal(set) var line: Int { get }
internal(set) var severity: SwiftLintViolation.Severity { get }
internal(set) var file: String { get }
func toMarkdown() -> String
/// The result of a warn, message, or fail.
struct Violation: Encodable {}
/// Adds a warning message to the Danger report
/// - Parameter message: A markdown-ish
func fail(_ message: String)
/// Adds an inline fail message to the Danger report
func fail(message: String, file: String, line: Int)
/// Fails on the Danger report
var fails: [Violation] { get }
/// Adds a warning message to the Danger report
/// - Parameter message: A markdown-ish
func markdown(_ message: String)
/// Adds an inline message to the Danger report
func markdown(message: String, file: String, line: Int)
/// Markdowns on the Danger report
var markdowns: [Violation] { get }
/// Adds a warning message to the Danger report
/// - Parameter message: A markdown-ish
func message(_ message: String)
/// Adds an inline message to the Danger report
func message(message: String, file: String, line: Int)
/// Messages on the Danger report
var messages: [Violation] { get }
/// Adds an inline suggestion to the Danger report (sends a normal message if suggestions are not supported)
func suggestion(code: String, file: String, line: Int)
/// Adds a warning message to the Danger report
/// - Parameter message: A markdown-ish
func warn(_ message: String)
/// Adds an inline warning message to the Danger report
func warn(message: String, file: String, line: Int)
/// Warnings on the Danger report
var warnings: [Violation] { get }
extension Optional where Wrapped == DangerUtils.Environment.Value {
func getString(default defaultString: String) -> String
func getBoolean(default defaultBoolean: Bool) -> Bool
extension DateFormatter {
static var defaultDateFormatter: DateFormatter { get }
static var onlyDateDateFormatter: DateFormatter { get }
/// Handles multiple date format inside models.
static func dateFormatterHandler(_ decoder: Decoder) throws -> Date
extension String {
var fileType: FileType? { get }
var name: String { get }
/// Fails on the Danger report
let fails: [Violation] { get }
/// Warnings on the Danger report
let warnings: [Violation] { get }
/// Messages on the Danger report
let messages: [Violation] { get }
/// Markdowns on the Danger report
let markdowns: [Violation] { get }