Danger plugin to prevent merging test shortcuts (.only and .skip)
Import and invoke the noTestShortcuts()
function in your Dangerfile:
// dangerfile.js
import noTestShortcuts from 'danger-plugin-no-test-shortcuts'
testFilePredicate: (filePath) => filePath.endsWith('.test.js'),
By default, Danger will fail the build if a new or modified test file contains .only()
- this prevents merging changes that will prevent your entire test suite from running on each pull request.
This plugin takes an optional config object with a couple of options:
// A required predicate for determining where your test files live.
testFilePredicate: (filePath) => filePath.endsWith('.test.js'),
// Defines the behavior for handling skipped tests (e.g. test.skip()).
// Defaults to 'ignore'.
// Valid values: 'ignore', 'fail', 'warn'.
skippedTests: 'fail',
// Defines any (additional) patterns you want to test for
// Defaults to no extra patterns
// Here you can add patterns specific to how your test framework does skips/onlys
patterns: {
only: ['customOnly'],
skip: ['sk.ip']
Install Yarn and install the dependencies - yarn install
Run the tests with yarn test
(uses Jest).
This project uses semantic-release for automated NPM package publishing.
The main caveat: instead of running git commit
, run yarn commit
and follow the prompts to input a conventional changelog message via commitizen.