
Danger title image

all brokena project from orta therox, Juanito Fatas and and others.

#I want to work locally on my Dangerfile

There are two ways to work locally:

This will run the Danger environment locally, making it possible to iterate and verify syntax etc.

For closed source projects, make sure to setup the DANGER_GITHUB_API_TOKEN environment variable before attempting to run local. If you are trying to access an Enterprise Github instance, DANGER_GITHUB_HOST and DANGER_GITHUB_API_HOST must be set.

For extra debugging powers, append --pry to the end of your command and you’ll get put into a REPL. Then you can be a Danger Wizard.

#I want to only run Danger for internal branches

Let’s say you run Danger on the same CI service that deploys your code. If that’s open source, you don’t want to be letting a fork pull out your private env vars. The work around for this is to not simply call Danger on every test run:

'[ ! -z $DANGER_GITHUB_API_TOKEN ] && bundle exec danger || echo "Skipping Danger for External Contributor"'

This ensures that Danger only runs when you have the environment variables for her to use.

#My CI uses Ruby 1.9.x by default, and I’m not a Ruby project

Worry not. Most CIs come with either rvm or rbenv which support multiple versions of Ruby. You can use that to change the Ruby version before running Danger.

If you’re not a Ruby project, you might want to also skip the Gemfile.

#I want to be a Danger Wizard


Alright, alright. So the real key to working locally, is bundle exec danger local --pry.

Here’s some tips for using pry inside Danger. You will start off running the REPL inside the Dangerfile.

Pry is special because it provides a UNIX folder-like structure for your object graph. You can use ls to see all the local variables, and attributes for your current Dangerfile. Then use cd to change the state to another object, and cd .. to go back.

Inside the Dangerfile, plugin instances are not in the default list alas, but you can get them all with @plugins.keys.map(&:instance_name).

For example, to look around inside your git state, do a cd git and do ls again. If you want an in-depth overview of the current object use inspect.

To check all your warnings, errors, markdowns and messages - cd into the messaging plugin, then run status_report to see what has happened.

If you’re interested in understand pry more, I strongly recommend digging into their docs.

#Circle CI doesnt run my build consistently

Yeah… We’re struggling with that one. It’s something we keep taking stabs at improving, so keep an eye on the issues. Ideally this issue will get resolved and we’ll get it fixed for free.

Got improvements? Help improve this document via sending MRs.